A Generous Church

Over the years, the people at New Hope have been generous with their resources and have seen families and whole communities changed in our own neighbourhood and around the world.  This happens as we commit ourselves wholeheartedly to the work of the church.
An easy way to give a one-time donation or to set up ongoing donations.  
An easy way to give right from your phone.  Click HERE to get full instructions.
A donation of securities or mutual funds is the most efficient way to give charitably.  Learn more about this giving option.
Download this form to set up regular donations from your bank account.

A Generous Church

One of the major complaints people often express about church life is that the church is after everybody’s money.  We really don’t want that to be the thought around New Hope.  Giving is a big part of being a follower of Jesus, but it’s not all about money.  Giving to God through His church is an expression of our love and our trust in God.  The truth is, we really do put our money where our mouth is.

In an effort to demonstrate that New Hope is not just after people’s money we don’t actually pass offering plates during our Sunday services.  There are places for regular attendees to place their offerings at the Info Centre in our lobby.  Other people may choose to give offerings automatic withdrawals or online giving.

As part of being a generous church, New Hope gave $100,000 in 2021 to nine organizations in our community that were making a big impact in people's lives.  Three of these interviews  are available here to help share the passion behind some of these great organizations.